Holistic Sleep: A Natural Approach to Restorative Rest
Nikki Daley, Hsc, RHN, RYT Nikki Daley, Hsc, RHN, RYT

Holistic Sleep: A Natural Approach to Restorative Rest

Struggling to fall asleep? You’re not alone. ⅓ of the Canadian Population aged 5 to 79 fail to obtain the recommended amount of daily sleep and ¼ of adults report experiencing problems with falling or staying asleep most or all of the time. Luckily the solution might be simpler than you think. In this month’s blog we’ll outline 3 key areas of focus and 5 tips for each to promote better overall sleep.

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Setting Healthy Movement Goals for 2025
Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin. Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin.

Setting Healthy Movement Goals for 2025

As the new year begins, many of us are eager to set goals for better health and well-being. One of the most impactful areas to focus on is movement. Regular, mindful movement not only enhances physical health but also supports mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall vitality. Here are some expert tips from our team to help you set and achieve sustainable movement goals in 2025.

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Finding Light in the Dark: How Antidote’s Wellness Practitioners Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin. Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin.

Finding Light in the Dark: How Antidote’s Wellness Practitioners Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As winter approaches, shorter days and colder weather can bring about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), causing low mood, fatigue, and reduced motivation. Antidote’s team of wellness practitioners—including acupuncturists, osteopathic manual practitioners, mental health professionals, massage therapists, and naturopaths—offer a holistic approach to managing SAD and supporting your well-being through the darker months.

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Cystic Fibrosis and the Benefits of Manual Therapy
Patricia Spensieri -Registered Kinesiologist & 4th Year Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Student Patricia Spensieri -Registered Kinesiologist & 4th Year Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Student

Cystic Fibrosis and the Benefits of Manual Therapy

What is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a rare, progressive genetic disease that affects multiple systems in the body, primarily targeting the lungs and digestive system. In people with CF, mucus in the lungs becomes thick, blocking airways and trapping germs, which makes it difficult to breathe and leads to frequent respiratory infections. In the digestive system, thick mucus can block the release of digestive enzymes, preventing the body from absorbing food and nutrients, leading to malnutrition and poor growth.

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Osteopathy for Stress and Anxiety Relief: Benefits and Impact
Lindsay Dixon, DOMP, R.Kin, CAT(C) Lindsay Dixon, DOMP, R.Kin, CAT(C)

Osteopathy for Stress and Anxiety Relief: Benefits and Impact

Chronic stress and anxiety place a significant burden on quality of life. The physical manifestation of these conditions can include, muscle tension and pain, sleep disturbances, headaches, breathing dysfunction, and digestion difficulties. The cascading effects these conditions have on the body highlight the interconnectivity of the body and mind. Through its holistic approach, osteopathy understands and respects this unity.

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CranioSacral Therapy: A Case Study
Sonia Adrianovska Sonia Adrianovska

CranioSacral Therapy: A Case Study

My blog contribution this month is a case history, because it is a beautiful example of what is possible when we are willing to look beyond a western medical diagnosis, and to consider the whole person and their mental/emotional/spiritual history and patterns. For me personally, this is also a celebration of what is possible when someone is willing to be honest and accountable, to take responsibility for themselves and to fully commit to their own healing journey.

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5 Surprising Things About Pregnancy & How a Perinatal Nutrition Expert Can Help
Nikki Daley, Hsc, RHN, RYT Nikki Daley, Hsc, RHN, RYT

5 Surprising Things About Pregnancy & How a Perinatal Nutrition Expert Can Help

Are you thinking about having or preparing to have a child, recently got a positive test, or well on your journey to becoming a mom (first or consecutive time)? Regardless of where you are on your journey to motherhood, there is an overwhelming amount of emotions and information coming at you.

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What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?
Melanie Wheaton, RMT, RYT Melanie Wheaton, RMT, RYT

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?

The lymphatic system is a circulatory system made up of lymph vessels, which are much like blood vessels. The lymphatic system is responsible for maintaining an efficient immune function, fluid metabolism, and proper detoxification. It acts like a garbage disposal, helping your body filter out waste and bacteria.

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How to Prevent Injuries with Physiotherapy
Amber Lalone & Tanya Dei Tigli - Antidote Founders Amber Lalone & Tanya Dei Tigli - Antidote Founders

How to Prevent Injuries with Physiotherapy

Most times we find ourselves attending physio following an injury, but taking a proactive approach can be incredibly beneficial for preventing injuries.

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Naturopathic Support for Fertility & Conception
Dr. Sarah Grammaticos, ND Dr. Sarah Grammaticos, ND

Naturopathic Support for Fertility & Conception

You’ve made the decision to grow your family. How exciting! Now what? For some, the process of getting and staying pregnant is relatively straightforward and low risk. For others, there are hurdles in the way that can be significantly challenging to your physical, mental, emotional and financial wellbeing.

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Demystifying Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Healing
Sonia Adrianovska Sonia Adrianovska

Demystifying Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Healing

Electromagnetic fields are one of 3 layers of interrelated levels of macromolecular energy-information relay systems in the human body. It’s the deepest layer of the energy body generated by the nervous system and functions in the service of awakening consciousness [1]. It holds all of the effects and distortions caused by the client’s own unique experiences, and is based on a blueprint of sorts that makes up the client’s own unique and authentic frequency.

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Why Take My Kids to See an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner?
Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin. Tanya Dei Tigli, B.Sc., DOMP, CAT(C), R.Kin.

Why Take My Kids to See an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner?

Most often, people begin their health journey when they have pain, suffer an injury or start to notice limitations in their bodies. But what if we addressed issues before they had time to settle into our bodies? What if we started to take care of ourselves right from the beginning…. as babies and children?

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Putting Your Best Face Forward - Naturally
Scott Koza, R. Ac R. Scott Koza, R. Ac R.

Putting Your Best Face Forward - Naturally

Happy New Year all - we survived 2022! For years now, masks have been an unwanted staple of our wardrobe. During that time, all manner of self-care routines were abandoned, as most of us had more pressing issues. Facial hair grew wild, blemishes went unchecked, and skin care felt overwhelming and unnecessary.

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