Non-invasive manual therapy which aims to restore optimal function in the body by finding and treating the root cause of your symptoms
Osteopathy is a type of non-invasive manual therapy which aims to restore optimal function in the body by finding and treating the root cause of your symptoms. Osteopathic treatment is a hands-on, patient centred practice that uses a wide variety of techniques including but not limited to: soft tissue work, joint mobilization, visceral and cranial-sacral techniques. It takes a holistic, whole-body approach to healthcare.
All of our Osteopathic Manual Practitioners are members in good standing of the OAO (Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners). These are the credentials required for coverage by most insurance plans in Ontario.

Common Conditions Treated:
Osteopathy for Adults & Children
5 years +
Neck and low-back pain
Entrapment neuropathies and radiculopathies (e.g. sciatica)
Acute and chronic pain
MVA related injuries
Post concussion syndrome
TMJ dysfunction
Repetitive strain injuries (e.g. wrist, elbow, shoulder)
Plantar fasciitis
Sports related injuries
Postural dysfunction
Gastrointestinal issues
Prenatal and postpartum care
Pediatric Osteopathy
Infants and up to 5 years
Latching and feeding difficulties
Tongue tie
Digestion issues -reduce/manage gas, constipation and reflux.
Neck, cranial and whole body restrictions
Fussy/Unsettled baby
Sleep Issues