Red Light Therapy with Acupuncture; Combining Traditional Medicine with Cutting Edge Technology to Improve Skin Vitality and Reduce Pain.
What is Red Light Therapy?
Red Light Therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive form of treatment that utilizes low-level red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function. It is commonly used to improve your skin’s appearance by reducing wrinkles, scars, redness, and acne. This technology works by charging your body’s mitochondria cells to produce more ATP, also known as your “energy cells,” making them more efficient. This boost of energy enables the cells to perform more tasks, which can speed up healing and recovery. Red light boasts broad healing applications, whether you seek cosmetic improvements or a reduction in pain. This technology is scientifically proven and distinct from a sauna lamp or red-tinted light bulb.
What is the difference between Red Light Therapy (RLT) and Near Infrared Light (NIR)?
Red Light therapy targets the superficial top layers of the skin/dermis and is primarily used for cosmetic skin improvements, anti-aging, and reducing the visibility of scars. Near-infrared Light is a wavelength that penetrates deep into the body through the skin, muscles, and bones. It is most often used to reduce inflammation, joint pain, muscle tension, and enhance cognitive function. Typically, these wavelengths are used simultaneously in treatment to optimize both inner well-being and outward appearance.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy / Near Infrared Light:
Red Light Benefits:
- decrease wrinkles, fine lines
- improve facial texture; psoriasis, eczema, acne
- help heal scars and wounds
- increase melatonin production (sleep zzz’s)
- enhance eye health
- reduce anxiety
- and much more!
Infrared Light Benefits:
- relieve joint pain and inflammation; ankle tendonitis/plantar fasciitis,
rheumatoid/osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, and more.
- improve circulation of oxygen-rich blood
- improve cognitive function (brain fog)
- enhance thyroid functions
Is it Safe, are there side effects?
Red Light Therapy is generally considered safe, with no major side effects. Unlike cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or tanning booths, RLT does not use this type of light. If you are currently taking medication that increases photosensitivity or you have a medical condition such as lupus that can increase photosensitivity, it is advised to avoid red light therapy.
Why Add Red Light Therapy to My Acupuncture Session?
Acupuncture and Red Light Therapy have more in common than you might initially suspect. Both increase blood flow and circulation, stimulate physiological processes to reduce pain, and contribute to the overall improvement of skin as it relates to health and beauty. By merging these gentle complementary approaches, it is possible to enhance the positive benefits of both treatments. This can lead to faster improvements, longer lasting results, and better overall health; which is something we can all cheers to in 2024! Come Get Good. Book your Acupuncture with Red Light Therapy session today!
( A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase).